Bottle in The Puddle

Interesting shot, Julian. That water could be oil its so black. I love how the inky blackness contrasts with the gold leaf and silvery glass. Very nice.
Verry cool - almost looks like a studio shot with the lighting and reflections

Great idea to pick out this piece of detail from something which could easily have been overlooked.
Hi and thanks for comments. Its one of those shots that you might otherwise not notice. No idea why I did. On the other hand it is always good to put a shot up sometimes to see things that you may not otherwise see. For instance, now it is up I wonder about the composition, the saturation only to name a couple of things. I guess thats what it is about though and that is,to learn all the time. A while ago I realised my monitor was way out of calibration and I had for a time been over saturating images and they were far to dark. I am still guessing that it is ok ishhh and the images are not too dark.
The subject title - bottle in puddle - did not prepare me for the shot, even though that is exactly what it is. But the image is superb! Beautiful colours. Well spotted and developed.
This I ad shot in the making...but for what Mmmmmmm :)

........... An ad for the "ACME Bottle In A Puddle Corp" ........:rolleyes: ............... Damn good capture Julian.
Brilliant bit of observation!
I think the darkness is spot on ... there is just a smidge of detail i can see that keeps you staring into the darkness!
like it!