Cambridge Colleges (institution Project)

Paul Lange

Some of you may remember one of my projects called Institution?

When I get the chance I add to it and these were taken during a visit to Cambridge where I had some time to wonder about (and sneak through doors I probably shouldn't have).

_DSF6654.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

_DSF6653.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

_DSF6647.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

_DSF6646.jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
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I like there Paul, and I feel like I know exactly what interests you in them ... Had a wonder around the soon to be closed Worcester art college last week... Proper Victorian institution it is, and had I not been rushed, I think I could have spent a long time taking shots fairly similar to these!
I keep looking at your work in this vein, Paul, and marvel at it. We walk past this stuff everyday, and it makes up a large part of our experience of our lives, yet we pay it little heed. I can think of no other art form that does this so well - just gently stops us in our tracks and says, "Look. This is your world". Without judgement. Yet it has beauty. I'm a fan!