Critique Welcomed Camel Butte (in color this time)

Do you feel that the Cinestill rendered the color accurately?
Well I had to work on the scans in Lightroom to get the colors I want. Straight out of the scanner the colors were way off. (That might be because I don't know how to use the scanner software.) The colors you see here are the colors as I remember them. I also used a few i-phone images I took at the same time as a kind of register for the colors I was looking for. I'm using an Epson V500 Photo scanner. It came with software that I quite liked using, but I went to a different scanner software (VueScan) when the Epson software could no longer keep up with my MAC's updated OS. Having used the original Epson software for many hundreds of color scans I believe it would have given me a better color output from the start. (I may give it a try; I can actually still use the Epson software, it's just that for 35mm it stopped telling the MAC to scan in batches--or more accurately the MAC refused to obey.)