Christmas Angle

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Whilst I had the set up in place yesterday, I decided to get a few snaps of my little'n holding some tree deco.
I gave it to her and asked her to be a tree and this was the result.

I took the tree deco away from her before the second shot and she pulled a face like someone had taken her sweets away, that was worth catching..... lol
So, I gave her a present (which wasn't hers) to see what she'd do with it, and she pulled this face like christmas had came early.... hahaha!!! good job I had the remote trigger in my hand.... classic!!
Then after I took that away from her (nasty daddy) you wouldn't like to have seen that face!! lol

Anyway, here's the trio....




Thanks for looking :)
What a classic set Dan - priceless! :D

That look in #2 - picture is worth a thousand words, and all that :D :D :D
Delightful set. Thinking back aboot the family fotie ye posted a day or two ago, she's her mammy's double is she no?

By the way, that last one's a cracker, Dan!
Thanks Guys. lol

Delightful set. Thinking back aboot the family fotie ye posted a day or two ago, she's her mammy's double is she no? QUOTE]

Brian, I've got to ask..... Are you Scottish?? you have me in bits when I read ye posties?! :D :D :D :D
#2 is wonderful...she is so going to love you in years to come when you show that to her future boyfriends....:)
#2 is wonderful...she is so going to love you in years to come when you show that to her future boyfriends....:)

Boyfriends? what boyfriends!?! (showing signs of over protective fatherhood there) :D :D :D
Great shots Dan but you be a nasty dad me thinks toying with her like that I hope YOU have got her something really big now for being such a god girl :D:D:D
:D :D :D !! she has a fair few too many presents this crimbo!
Oh, she is so angelical on camera, around people, in public, but when she's at home, the behaviour is most certainly worth no present for christmas! :D :D
BRILLIANT lighting!
Thanks guys and gals. :)
She's sweet looking on photo...... But off camera........ Lol