Cigar Break

Hamish Gill

Tech Support (and Marketing)
At a recent wedding the guests were all given a cuban log to smoke ...
I followed them out side and dutifully captured the moments
This is one of the more abstract shots that has become one of my favourite from the day


and another of one of the things being lit

and one that i like but probably wont pass on to the client
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Come in here dear boy, have a cigar. You're gonna go far, you're gonna fly high, you're never gonna die

Loving #2 :-)
Cheers all, not normally my thing to tone this way, but for the subject I'm happy... And very happy that they all appeal differently to different folk!
I thought you would like #3 Brian, not sure why ...
#1 is soooooo gentlemen's lounge! :D

Love it!
Brilliant little series there Hamish. I think the first is probably my favourite also because it is not clear what is going on. And I also really like the way the main focus is on the foreground smoke in the third and the highlights shiny around the figure. The fact that he is not in focus makes him quite an ambiguous figure I think.