Circles & Spirals Theme: Don't know what caused it

Brian Moore


A buddy at work picked up a little rangefinder camera at a junk shop for $3 and asked me if I'd like to shoot with it. It's a "Fujica Deluxe." Sure, why not...? So I loaded it with Arista Premium 100 from Freestyle (which some believe to be re-branded Kodak Plus-X) and took some shots of a variety of things, including this local liquor store. I estimated the exposure values.

This one surprised because of the spiral of light on the left. No idea what caused it. Don't recall seeing anything there when I snapped the picture. It looks to high up to be light from a car or motorbike.

I developed the images in Rodinal, 1:25.
Dan wasn't in the area was he?!! :)

Whatever it is it has produced a nice image. I like these B&W night time shots. It looks like it might be from a small lens defect. If was raining it's the sort of thing a raindrop on the edge of a lens could make.