Circus in town?

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
Circus in town?


No, neighbors with termites!

Quite common here to see a complete house tented, and then either heat or gas used to kill the pests.

X-Pro1 and 18mm Lens with CPL
Such termite interventions are so common here in Southern California that one genereally never even bats an eye lid when one sights a tented home. Good for you, Chris, for taking a moment to observe the colors and the surreality of it all.

What film,...Velvia again? (May I suggest, if ever you seek a change from your normal emulsion, that you give Ektar 100 a try?) ;)
Thanks Brian - actually, this was 'film neutral' and the push in color was purely down to the lighting and the CPL
I reckon this is just the atmospheric 'dome' over a house owned by one of the aliens that are always buzzing about your neck of the woods. In fact, it looks like one of them is just on their way home for tea in their flying sauced just entering the frame from the left!! I reckon they keep having to move from house to house to stop them raising too much suspicion, hence the frequent occurrence of these things. ;)
What a great image!

I want some clothes for my house now!