Critique Required Cloudy Susnet

Darren Turner

on the local Tywyn beach


Thanks for looking

Wow! I mean this is simply awesome. I love the slightly different shades of grey in the sky, sea and rocks. That touch of colour in the sunset is perfect. I like the treatment you have given this. I detect a bit of tonal contrast (detail) in the foreground and possibly some in the sea and sky, but it's not overdone there. You almost have two different skies, with the more threatening on the left and then a diagonal line to the floaty clouds on the right. I like the surf making a nice contrast behind the rocks. It's enough to give a nice sense of depth. The breakwater and warning sign just add some extra interest :)
The light behind the clouds is wonderful, Darren. And although I think you've captured the clouds and foreground to the left very nicely, I feel I want to see more of the sunset.
Very nice indeed Darren. I really like the way the brightness in the clouds on the right complements the foreboding grey.