Collie dog...

Peter McCullough

Well-Known Member
Happy New Year all!

Here's a grab shot of our collie dog shot late this afternoon with falling light, you can just about see a bit of blood on her tongue. My first shot outdoors with my newly purchased Samyang 35mm f/1.4, loving it!

Nice Shot Peter and nice Collie, I like Collies I have an aging 'Rough' called Boo :)

I can see a lot coming from this 35 :)
Peter - nicely done - as you say, Samyang is looking good :)

How did you find going all manual on the focussing?
Still early days using the manual focus Samyang but looking good! Before I started with digital I only used (film) Nikon manual bodies and manual lenses (about 14yrs ago), so I find it not a big issue really...

Obviously slower to focus which is good as it makes you think about what your composing/shutter speed/aperture setting etc, I've a 70-200mm for a bit of motorsport photography if I need it.