You mention that you gave up smoking when your kid was born and that wasn't a decision that was influenced by the government etc. but then you say one of the reasons you did it was for health.
The cigarette companies used to advertise their products saying they were healthy...
For a bit of balance to the argument it was probably with the help of the state that those "facts" were readdressed.
My point being, the fact that we know they are bad for us is down to advice given to us by the state.
Which is a good thing!
It is important that advice is given to us... To help manage spread of illness, to advise us on safe speeds to drive in built up areas, what foods to avoid when pregnant ... Generally things to help us make better choices ...
When our governing bodies and media make us aware of these things they often over egg it...
Take for example the idea that a pregnant woman should not drink any alcohol whilst pregnant...
Large qualities of alcohol in pregnant has a serious effect ... But if you ask any doctor, nurse, midwife can my missis drink during pregnancy, they will tell you the odd glass of wine will do no harm... That is as far as they can tell you proven to be ok ... There is a lot of evidence that says that the odd glass of wine will do nothing to the baby!
But, the advice from "above" is always to avoid it entirely!
Advice from above always goes over the top to apeal to the most stupid of our population...
If you say alcohol during preganany is fine in moderation then people will drink, and some will drink to much!
The problem with this policy, as I said, is that it is past that point where it is over the top advice and is well in to the territory of completely Ill conceived and daft ... An possibly counter productive
Take holland, where people can have sex from a younger age, smoke drugs legally etc etc...
A country thy says "you can do these things if you want" and let's people make their own choices ...
Less crime, less underage pregnancy etc
Give people good advice and let them make they choices them selves and they will, en the end, more often than not, make the right choice ... Just like you did when your first kid was born ... To the point that you didn't even realise it was a decision that actually you probably didnt make your self!
Start banning stuff and you end up with rebels ...
Start insisting that shops hide cigarettes behind the counter ... And all you are doing is wasting peoples time!
People are going to go into shops and this is what is going to happen
Hi, do you have b&h silver
No, sorry out of stock
Marlboro lights?
20 please
We only have them in tens
Do you have Mayfair in 20's
I'll have those
Here you go
Oh sorry I meant the light ones
Oh ok
Waste of time ...
The shops have to rearrange thier shops
Waste of time ...
And to what end ... Smokers are gonna smoke til they quit
Kids are gonna smoke because they want to!
End of ... Hiding makes no odd, and causes minor inconvenience to the shop keeper and smoker ... For no realistic gain ...
To be fair, typing all this I have talked my self into inderstanding what they are doing ...
It will take a more rebelious kid to want to buy cigarettes from under a counter ... There are maybe less kids that would be that rebellious ... ...
And at least they haven't banned it altogether!
It's still a stupid idea though...