D&D Wedding

Okay, that's not what I wanted... I hope I will finally figure out a way of getting the actual photo in the post like the rest of you guys do! (maybe I'll do the Photobucket thingy Pete!)
I would love to have the image in the post bigger... maybe I didn't save it with the parameters you gave me Hamish. Will try!
Yep, it's posed but I think it still looks quite natural, like you just said :)
Thank you for your comments and tips :)
Photobucket is the way to go!
is your facebook profile public?
I have found the way to get the image into your post full size...

It has a nice feel to it, she has got the pose spot on, he looks a touch stiff ... but the photo its self, is lovely!
I really like her engagement with the camera - great eye contact (and focus on the eyes)

I'd like it better if he was also engaging either the camera, or his bride - he looks a little distracted! ;)
Hi Hamish,

My "Asun Olivan Photography" profile is public indeed :)
You'll have to tell me how you did it to get the image full size in the post ;)

On my years as a photographer I have come to realize that normally girls are more relaxed in front of the camera than boys... I wonder why ;) You're right about your comment... he's a bit stiff.
Hey Chris,

Thanks for your comment :)

She was great with the camera, very confident and at ease.
The groom wasn't bad either but, as I just said to Hamish, I find girls are more natural in front of the camera (in general) and boys don't know so much what to do.
I have a very similar photo to this one where the groom is looking at the camera too, but his pose looks a bit too forced for my taste, that's why I chose this one.
But I think you're totally right about your comment :)
It's a shame that sometimes when we take photos don't realize this things until later on, when we're at home and we browse through them... then it's too late ;)
I tend to avoid posed shots altogether, the problem is of course is that i dont get as many really special shots as it is the luck of the draw ...
i know what you mean about women being more at ease ... that is of course until you get the odd really shy one!

the biggest problem with wedding photography, there is NO going back ... get it or dont ... its the only chance!