D.I.Y as f..........

Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
Okay, this image was taken at the Buxton Lime Works which has been derelict for YEARS. inside the main building (which looks great if anyone wants to look into it) wasn't much inside, rubbish, wet, vegetation, and grafitti. But this particular grafitti didn't and still doesn't quite make sense to me, but I found it some what attracting.
Rather than just taking a picture of it, I got curt to sit on a curb stone and put the flash behind him in slave mode to illuminate the words and make him a silhouette, very simplistic set up. But one of my fav's, just left me thinking.... What the **** ?!
Hope you like.....

Shocking....utter.......great use of light there Dan. am liking it alot. and that word D.I.Y is absolutely not on.............would rather someone else did it...;)
Haha! Thanks dude. Still scratching my head over the motive behind those words nearly a year on. Lol
Thanks pete, those type of images are of a great interest to me. The 'how?', 'what?' and 'why?'.
Love this shot dan. Love the menacing feel to it!

I have heard D.I.Y (do it yourself) as **** in punk subculture being used and again most anarchic deviations of the punk scene genre. emo,hardcore kids tend to coin it. It's a self declaration of how against the capitalist ventures they are. I.e making or modding their own clothes and in the same turn the bands they listen to also use it as an up yours to the capitalist venturers of simon cowels music machine fir instance.

The phrase makes no real grammatical sense but I'll try and get it across.

Emo1: see that guy over there he looks cool
Emo2: yeah man he makes all his own stuff..
Emo1: no way.... he's D.I.Y as ****

Kids ey!!!
Thomas! Your a legend! Many many thanks for that explaination. That makes sense to me now. Cheers Tom :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
wowowow! really really love the way you have captured this!!
and yeh.. i believe 'D.I.Y as f**k' is a statement used to basically.. hmm. promote your individualism i guess you'd say. you know, do it yourself, don't follow the crowd. idk if i'm making any sense right now. hope i am ;)
There is something about getting that gun off camera, much better and some great effects with it now its getting dark.....I'm hoping to be having a bit of fun with mine soon, maybe down the cemetery, just got to work out how I'm going to fire the smoke gene up without taking a portable generator. Maybe I'd be D.I.Y as F*** if I can figure it out :D
Loving it !! , it has so many facets, the colour, the menacing nature, the slogan ..