Dan Down Project 366

Just a thought...
I am amazed at the quality of the pictures being produced on a daily basis for this...especially as I've been there and got the T-shirt with the family pressures...
Why not see it through to the end of the month and chalk up one achievement...then maybe cut it down to one a week and see if you can do that to the end of the year...

Its worth a thought, init?....:)

:) good man Adrian, there is no such thing as a DAN DOWN is there DD? you have the full support of the RPF crew...:D
Kev, i Dont think we should accept DD resignation, every image he uploads i shall move it to HIS 366...............LOL

Right how an we set up a petition to PREVENT DD from chucking towel in.................?

Get it?????????????

don't go DD Don't go...................


That's it I can't crawl any more

But if you go then that's it................................we are all F#'ked...proppa F@#%ed

and if the petition and the grovelling don't work, Me & kev have conversed via PM (havent we kev) and we are both gonna join you and quit.............. can you live with that on your consious DD:D :p lol
and if the petition and the grovelling don't work, Me & kev have conversed via PM (havent we kev) and we are both gonna join you and quit.............. can you live with that on your consious DD:D :p lol

DEFO, It's in your hands DD your hands and I've just PM'd Brodie DU and DJ up over border in t'other land too so :p
Can't do this guilt trip no more!! It's working guys, your making me feel guilty........ But Dan Down is Down..... DDD!! :D:D