Critique Welcomed Desert Light

Brian Moore

There's nothing special about this image. I posted it, however, because it seemed to me so typical of a California desert morning.

This is El Paseo Drive in Palm Desert, California (just east of Palm Springs) last Saturday morning. I had arisen earlier than SWMBO and set off in search of coffee. Driving east on El Paseo I glanced in my rear view mirror and saw the hills behind me illuminated in golden light, which starkly contrasted with the street level, still cast in the shade of the mountains to my front. I quickly turned around, parked and snapped this fotie.

It just seemed sooo California desert community I thought I'd post it.

Yashica 635 and Kodak Ektar 100 film.

The Ektar ads a lovely Kodak warmth as well Brian - I'm humming Hotel California as I look at your shot :)
Hotel California? So that's what it looks like.
I always like the warm light of early morning.