Do You Want Some Sherbet?

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
It's a tactic I use to great effect when shooting portraits.

I drop into a bad Austin Powers impression

And right at the point where I ask, 'do you want some orange sherbet', she cracks up and I bag the shot :)


Kate J
Fuji X-T1 and 56mm Lens at f/1.6
Beautiful shot of a beautiful lady Chris. The greyness of the road and buildings in the background bring out the red dress and the model perfectly. Her head is nicely placed between the dark shapes of the windows or car park openings.
Beautiful shot of a beautiful lady Chris. The greyness of the road and buildings in the background bring out the red dress and the model perfectly. Her head is nicely placed between the dark shapes of the windows or car park openings.
Thanks Tom - this was a bit of a warm up before the main event, which was a dusk/night shoot on the bridge we were on.


I spotted the bridge illumination when swmbo and I went to a baseball game - so had it tagged for a shoot.

Lovely curvy shape :D
Saw these in flickr..... Very nice Chris!

How do you do it, hey?! :rolleyes:
Thanks Tom - this was a bit of a warm up before the main event, which was a dusk/night shoot on the bridge we were on.


I spotted the bridge illumination when swmbo and I went to a baseball game - so had it tagged for a shoot.

Lovely curvy shape :D
Thanks Tom - this was a bit of a warm up before the main event, which was a dusk/night shoot on the bridge we were on.


I spotted the bridge illumination when swmbo and I went to a baseball game - so had it tagged for a shoot.

Lovely curvy shape :D
Lovely curves indeed and all in the right places.
Thanks Tom - this was a bit of a warm up before the main event, which was a dusk/night shoot on the bridge we were on.


I spotted the bridge illumination when swmbo and I went to a baseball game - so had it tagged for a shoot.

Lovely curvy shape :D
Lovely curves indeed and all in the right places.
Must say I prefer the warm up shot
Thanks Tom - this was a bit of a warm up before the main event, which was a dusk/night shoot on the bridge we were on.


I spotted the bridge illumination when swmbo and I went to a baseball game - so had it tagged for a shoot.

Lovely curvy shape :D
Lovely curves indeed and all in the right places.;)
Have to say that I prefer the more natural warm up shot. I think she is struggling a bit to keep her balance in the second shot;)
Lovely curves indeed and all in the right places.

Lovely curves indeed and all in the right places.
Must say I prefer the warm up shot

Lovely curves indeed and all in the right places.;)
Have to say that I prefer the more natural warm up shot. I think she is struggling a bit to keep her balance in the second shot;)
probably waiting for the damn photographer to take the shot :D
Beautiful shots of a lovely lady in red Chris, all the honour to you both. Now I guess somebody's gonna sing a song 'bout a lady in red.:D