Dueling Holgas--I Lost!

Brian Moore

Last week Meg (my daughter, 15 yrs old) and I took Sadie to the beach. I equipped Meg with one of my Holga 120Ns and myself with the other. In both cameras I loaded Arista Ultra EDU 100 ASA film. I was very careful to explain to Meg how to use the practically useless aperture and distance adjustments, and also told her to beware of the bulb switch and I set it so she wasn't in bulb mode.

Of course, I failed to properly set my own camera, so all of my shots were taken in hand-held bulb mode in broad daylight, and they were rubbish. However, I guess I should be happy I got anything salvageable at all.

A few of Meg's and a few of mine:

Sadie at large by Meg:

Sadie scrambles up a sand berm, by Meg:

Sadie surveys the plaza, by Meg:

Meg and Sadie, by me:

Meg and Sadie on the berm, by me:

Meg and Sadie on a picnic table, by me:
Oops!! I really like 'Sadie Surveys the Plaza' probably because of the conspiratorial look on Sadie's face (sort of, "Shall we tell him?"). But my favourite of the ones you've posted is 'Sadie and Meg on the Berm' (despite the scratch). It reminds me of those shots you see of explorers in the Sahara taken in the early 1900s. And I like the narrow tonal range in it very much.
Thanks Pete. I like that one of Meg and Sadie on the berm also, as well as the one of Sadie scrambling up the berm. It never occurred to me that there was an early 1900s look about that one, but I can see that in it. (By the way, that's not a scratch; I believe it is some strange artifact implanted by the scanner.) Thanks again Pete.
Kids eh, gotta love 'em! :D

They do have a vintage explorer feel - Sadie in the Sahara!