Critique Welcomed Easter Gathering

Brian Moore

Tucker's mother and sister came for dinner on Easter Sunday (his step dad was working -- engineering the soundtrack for American Idle) so I took the opportunity to snap a shot with the Polaroid SX-70 and the Impossible Project color film.

I realize that IP is a work in progress and I am quite prepared to accept flaws as they continue to refine their processes. This film appears to be changing its color palate in camera. Whereas the first on or two images that I shot with it had something of a balance of colors, the last 4 or 5 shots have had this distinct rosy/pinkish hue.

I find it quite nice. Wonder what you think? By the way, this is shot in the available light--a big window to the right and kitchen lights on behind; I had no idea if the camera would adjust to the condition, but as you can see it picked up a lot of light from the kitchen behind everyone.

Left to right: Meg (my #2), SWMBO, Kaylin (Tucker's sister), Caiti (my #1), Linda (Tucker's mum) and Tucker, Caiti's fiancé. (He's named after the car, by the way. His brother--unable to make it to dinner as he is away at college--is an Austin.)

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Love the feel the film has given to the shot Brian - instant instagram on steroids - the colors look very Eastery

Looks like you and Tucker were seriously outnumbered by the ladies!
The more I looked at this the more I came to accept and like the colouring. I think though I would prefer the more colour balanced ones you got from the first few shots. It looks like an old image that has started to fade (I mean this in a nice way Brian) More importantly though, you have a nice Easter family get together recorded for the future.
Love the feel the film has given to the shot Brian - instant instagram on steroids - the colors look very Eastery

Looks like you and Tucker were seriously outnumbered by the ladies!
I like the feel of this film, too, Chris. Its not cheap, but it is certainly different. And yes,...we were outnumbered. (However, we had some very fine IPA to fortify us.:rolleyes:) Thanks, Chris!
The more I looked at this the more I came to accept and like the colouring. I think though I would prefer the more colour balanced ones you got from the first few shots. It looks like an old image that has started to fade (I mean this in a nice way Brian) More importantly though, you have a nice Easter family get together recorded for the future.
Thanks a lot, Tom. Much appreciated. Whether the image will last, however, only time will tell. At least I have a digital copy.
No, completely new to me. Thanks for the link. A stylish looking car.
It had a Lycoming engine--Horizontally opposed 4 cylinder (I think 4) built originally to power helicopters. It had seat belts! It had headlights that turned in the direction you were steering. It was ahead of its time to be sure.