Fake Clouds

Darren Turner

Have you ever taken a landscape type photo where the sky is s lovely shade of blue, However you really would have liked a few white fluffy clouds amongst that nice blue sky in your landscape shot ?

Original Shot Of Whiteford Lighthouse


A few shots of clouds that you have on your hard drive or similar





Not the best sample but you get the idea

Now doesn't that look realistic ?

Watch This Photoshop Tutorial By PhotoGavin On You Tube

That's not a bad effort!
The ones are the left are a lot better than those on te right I think ... They have some hard edges that aren't quite perfect ...
Still a fine attempt I think!
Hey, that's cheating! :D

Nice work there Daz - amazing how it changes feel of a shot
Paint the clouds onto a separate layer and position them so that some overlap the main object of the photo.
Then add a layer mask and mask out the overlap so that it looks as though the cloud is behind the main object.

It can look a bit artificial if all the clouds neatly miss trees, towers, lighthouses, etc...