Family Christmas

Dave Moss

Well-Known Member
For the first time ever I did a series of family portraits as my brother/sister in law (dont ask) is over to stay for six weeks anyway here is my attempt at a portrait of Becky and shim (no not a spelling mistake :D:D:D:D)

FAMILY2011 (15 of 27) by davem44, on Flickr

FAMILY2011 (16 of 27) by davem44, on Flickr

And one of all of them with me balanced on the end next to Becky (Taken on Timer)

FAMILY2011 (11 of 27) by davem44, on Flickr

By the way Becky is the short one
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Id perhaps have framed the shot slightly more the left to get his/her hand in a bit more and loose a bit of sofa to the right ... does that make sense?
The black and white version is nicer i think, but maybe a bit more contrast
I tend to make my family portraiture look a bit more film like with split tones and all sorts of nonsense to make them a bit more unusual... but thats just me! :)

Ive got to ask ... is "shim" a legit title?
Well the passport sex states shemale lol as the top half has been altered but the bottom half hasnt yet. The op is booked for when it gets back to Australia so shim seems to make sense I already changed the crop on the printed version
Great idea Dave, and nicely done - I have also been tasked, so we'll see what happens when we try and line everyone up.

I'd just crop the group shot a little tighter all around, and balance it up that way

I have a relative called Relevant, which gets shortened to Rel - No idea what his Mum was thinking when she named him - I'll ask one day :D
blimey ... I can only assume that there is a certain level of understanding when addressing such situations ...

We used to have a pair come in the shop
I sold a few things to them and when writing out the receipts i had to ask
"im really sorry is it mr or mrs" the response was "ms" and that they were female ... but there was no irritation toward me for not knowing!
Its a fantastically diverse world we live in these days eh?!?
Great gathering shot there Dave,
I feel a christmas family shot thread coming on..... Lol :) :)
Must be such a huge decision to make ... you wouldn't want to change your mind eh!? ;)
I guess its about finding inner peace though ... nuts really to think about it!
... anyway, here's me banging on after you said "dont ask" ... ;)