First Fuji G617 Test Shot

I like the write up Chris, fantastic stuff and I look forward to more photographs from this camera.
Thanks Paul - I'm slowly working through the scanning and processing - I need a faster Mac! ;)
I'm guessing that if you wanted to print these up at around 24" high x 68" wide a scanning DPI of 1440 would be fine, or potentially scan a little higher and then downsample to 1400 DPI. I guess the file would still be huge though.
looks on the brightside... the Seitz 617 generates files of 1.5Gb
looks on the brightside... the Seitz 617 generates files of 1.5Gb
But, If I could afford the Seitz, I'd also have a studio technician to do all the file processing for me! :D
If you could afford someone to do the processing, I would volunteer for the job :) I'm spending around an hour per scan on cleaning up at the moment...
I'm right here with you Lesley - they should invent a photography technology which doesn't attract dust! :D
Dust isn't my problem - it's drying marks and what appears to be over-enthusiastic wiping. The latter has left some of my negatives looking as though they have been cleaned with a Brillo pad... :(

I went through several labs claiming to do B&W. One made me wait several weeks because he only had one type of some equipment that was being fully utilised with his colour work. Another made me pay extra for push processing and then didn't do it.

I eventually found a very good one :)