I've never had a macro lens before, but bought this one on eBay. Now that I've got it, I'm not sure what to do with it. I'm not into insects or macro flowers. Anyway, here's a couple from the first roll.
Those are fine images. Macro photograph is fascinating, things look so different close up. If you can find an old circuit board they make interesting subjects.
As Dave says, close-ups do rather abstract things. I especially like the water droplets as that really does make an interesting abstract. And, now you can see that you need to clean your iron!
Good set Rob and a macro lens used this way is as good as any insect or fluer. I am sure it work superbly as a normal 50mm lens does, my canon macro's certainly do.
Yes, Julian, it's a fine 50mm lens. I also have a wee extension for the macro. Oddly, though, I put film in my camera a week ago, and went out twice to take shots, but failed to take one. The inspiration seems to have gone. I need a holiday...
I didn't know macro lenses could take pictures of anything other than flooers and wee beasties. I think you've figured out what to do with it! Love that first one, Rob!