For Brian Part III

Steve Boykin

Well-Known Member
Note on the first one, I not only got her to look at me but to pose on a log! That should get some kind of Lassie of the year award. On #2 I will admit I said "Who wants a treat?" Hugo fell for it. Stanley being 12 and extremely jaded was having none it. :D

This afternoon, X100.
I like Log Dog. And poor Hugo, pathetic he looks now that he has realized your offer of a treat is a ruse.

Well I did feel pretty guilty about at the time and now even worse.......

Happy New Year Brian!!!

We are turning in shortly and hoping the neighborhood kids don't have a bunch of fireworks.
Happy New Year to you, too, Steve.

We're going to visit some friends later this evening so we won't be turning in for quite some time! Hope I can get a few decent shots tonight. (XA3 tonight, with Tri-X 400 that I may push to 800.) Always a challenge indoors to hold the wee camera steady enough for a decent fotie. (Maybe I should take the flash,...? Nah!)

All the best to you and yours for 2013!