Francis Drake (Actual photo!)

Brian Moore

There she is,...the one and only Francis Drake. (Actually, she's Frances, but they got the label wrong, I guess.)

These are a series of shots I took inside the Hollywood History Museum yesterday. Used my XA and Kodak Ektar 100 film. The little XA did good in the light I had to work with I think. I set it down on a solid surface for each of these shots, used the self-timer, and let the wee camera's brain figure out the shutter speed. (Can't remember what aperture I selected, although I think I had the lens wide open at f2.8.)

In truth I had never before heard of an actress named Frances Drake,...although I am of course, quite familiar with the similarly-named 16th Century sea-going Devonshire man.

Most visitors were going all goo-goo and gaa-gaa over the exhibits in the other rooms, which contained a phenomenal quantity of props and costumes, and also a very nice and extensive homage to Marilyn Monroe (including many foties). But this was my favorite room. One or two walls were all glamor and publicity shots, while the other one or two were all shots of old Hollywood and Los Angeles. Very cool stuff indeed.



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Excellent Brian and I like the way they have laid out the exhibition. It sort of has the same aesthetic impact as a large stamp collection if you see what I mean (fascinating by its apparent repetition). I do like the consistent style of these old Holywood shots and I like this style of lighting in studio work. I also like the tones that the film has brought to the photographs too.

Frances Drake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Francis Drake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Thanks very much, Pete. Also, thanks for posting the Wikipedia links. (I got caught up for a few minutes there reading the one on Sir Francis Drake. I was familiar with him in a general sense but reading some detail again is very interesting.) Thanks again, Pete!
Looks a fabulous place Brian - will put it on the todo list
$15 to get in, Chris. But if you eat at Mel's diner (connected to the same building, and apparently featured in "American Graffiti"), you get a few bucks off.