FTP isn't working

Lesley Jones

Otherwise know as Zooey
I don't know if anyone can help. I've been generally worrying about the animals, so got stuck into CS5 tonight rather than let myself get distracted by the forum. I thought I would post one image before going to bed, but the FTP (Seagull) is telling me it is a read-only file system. I've done this hundreds of times without a problem, but it won't talk to me any more. Any suggestions are most welcome :)
Is this when you try to post something on the forum? ie a forum error?
Or a problem with your ftp before you get to posting
im so wrapped up in all the problems we are having...!

if it is ftp it sounds like the file permissions have been changed.
I use FileZilla where it is just a case of right clicking on the directory and specifying file permissions
A good way to tell if that is the cause of the issue is to temporarily set the permissions to 777
make a note of what they were before though so you can change it back
if it fixes it, then try 755