Fuji X100 Firmware update


Hannah Sedgwick

As promised, Fujifilm has released the Firmware v1.10 update for its FinePix X100 large sensor compact. As well as promising new functions and facilitating its photographic camera settings, its 22 additions and feature modifications are intended to resolve and “improve” a number of issues with the camera’s operation, most notably its forgetfulness in maintaining ISO/DR/Self-Timer/Flash/Macro settings when the shooting mode is changed.
Information on all modifications and fixes have been detailed in a PR from Fujifilm and a revised user manual along with the Firmware update itself can be downloaded from the company’s website below.


Instructions for installation are rather convoluted. The simple way is to format the card in the camera, remove it and use a card-reader to write the xxxx.dat file to the card. Hold down the Disp Back button while turning on the camera and follow the instructions. Much simpler than trying to get the computer and camera talking to each other.

I am debating with myself whether to install it. I shoot RAW, mostly on aperture priority and auto-ISO, so the well known issues vanish. There is the ageless mechanic's creed—"If it works, don't fix it".