Ghost Town

Darren Bradley

Well-Known Member
Drove through the town of Red Mountain today, in the Mojave Desert. I was in a hurry to get home and had my wife and daughter in the car, so couldn't stop and take many photos, but I did get a couple of shots.

The town of Red Mountain was a booming mining town (gold, silver, and tungsten) with a population of more than 7,000 in 1915, and had numerous hotels, restaurants, churches, theaters, schools, etc. Today, there are maybe 50-75 people there (and another 300 or so between the other adjacent mining towns and Johannesburg, Atolia, and Randsburg). It's nearly a ghost town, except that many of the homes that the desert appears to be reclaiming are still inhabited, despite having collapsing roofs, no doors, and broken windows. Fascinating place.

Man - you were out there yesterday, I just looked that town up on Google Maps!

Very cool - would make good entries for Lauren's A-Level exam in the 'evidence of human habitation' theme.
One of the best ghost towns that still has some building standing and a lot of cool history, is Ruby Arizona. You can find it on google map. It is open Thursday thru Sunday but I'd check the web page before driving all the way out there. A car can make it in there but the road is very rough for about 15 miles.

If you're ever out that way it's well worth the drive and a half day or more to shoot.

Wow Dennis, just looked that town up - it's out there!
I've been pretty busy lately but will get some photos of it up before too long. It's very popular with photographers in that area as there is a lot to photo there. There are two lakes and a pile of white mine tailings that is very cool. You can still see the old mine but it's pretty dangerous to get too close.

The town is privately owned now so it's up to the owners how much longer it will be open to the public. There is a book on the history of the town and the mine that is interesting too.

Here are a few photo blogs I did of some hikes in the general area that will give you a feel for that country:


if only I could be let loose with my camera and gas mask I'd have so much fun there!!! Wish it wasn't so far away :( cracking shots tho Darren
Thanks, Dan. You'd have had a grand time with your gas mask there! You should see the interiors! I'll post one or two later.