Critique Welcomed Golden Gate Bridge

John Holland

Well-Known Member
I had the opportunity to make a trip to the San Francisco area. The weather was going to be sunny and warm (i.e. no fog, no rain - both common this time of the year). One of the items on my list was to get some pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge. This is from the bay side on the San Francisco side. After taking this shot, I walked across the bridge to the other side.


Another similar view, but a composite of 39 images - the result is a 161 mega-pixel image (it will print out at around 52" x 35" at 300 DPI) -- http://www.digitalscapephotography....lifornia/Golden_Gate_Bridge_16Feb-249-287.jpg
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I too have to agree with the above and like to ad that it brings back memories of crossing it, many times, but not on foot though!
Ok, here is the "proof" that I did walk across the bridge (and back for that matter). This is the view of the bridge from the north side looking back toward San Francisco.


Here are some details about the bridge: The Golden Gate Bridge was open to the public on May 28, 1937. It spans 1.7 miles across the gap between San Francisco and Marin and is 90 feet wide. It's average height above the water is 220 feet, with the two towers rising up to 746 feet above sea level.
I see no "proof." I see two fine images of the Golden Gate Bridge,...but I see no proof that John was there. Do you have an image of yourself on the bridge? That would not be proof either, but it could support your claim. ;)

I really like that one looking back toward SF.

I rode my bike over to Sausalito and back one Saturday morning. (I have no proof.) A fine ride, punctuated by an excellent pastry and a cup of joe at a cafe over there. I recall two things about that ride: I got into a debate with the barrista at the coffee shop regarding how many actual Englishmen played for Arsenal at the time, and also it was the same day that the space shuttle Columbia disintegrated upon its return to Earth. (So it was Feb 1, 2003--I looked it up.)

Anyway, fine images John.
John, Pete is right, do not pay any attention to the others, they are full of crap:( (" love you and that sort of thing "), and envious:eek: I too went over and up to Sausalito one evening and went into a bar up there. A piano bar and got a seat by the piano, anyway that is a long story. Nice ones mate:).
John, Pete is right, do not pay any attention to the others, they are full of crap:( (" love you and that sort of thing "), and envious:eek: I too went over and up to Sausalito one evening and went into a bar up there. A piano bar and got a seat by the piano, anyway that is a long story. Nice ones mate:).
Prove it! :p
Prove it! :p
Is this directed to me Brian or John, and what is there to prove? You know all pictures lie in that respect:confused: that they never quite can catch everything. Quite subjective medium, but as we who are not so sceptical:rolleyes:, enjoys what we see. The search of truth can backfire my good man:p I suggest that we here onwards, make use of a drone, filming what we take a picture of:D Brian I think, from a biblical standpoint, is becoming more a Thomas the doubtful:rolleyes:
Like the shot at the end of your walk. I do not believe I have ever seen an image from that side and cannot imagine why not as it is in many ways more interesting. I wonder if that was originally red lead paint? it may still be so.