
Dan Cattermole

Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
I found a lead to the disused planes at RAF Long Marston airfield (disused and now an a racecourse of some sort).
So Turkish (Curt Worton a member of RPF) Sheepy (Seah Hill a recently joined member on RPF) and I, decided to check this place out.

When we got there we were disappointed to find that they have a security office at the main gates now.
but according to google maps/earth it doesn't show anything there...... but of course, thats not permanent and things do change as I shall later reveal again.

So, as we established that there was security on site, that had now determined that we couldn't use our lights nor flash guns, so total darkness (apart from the vibrance of the moon) and high ISO on the pupils it was. :)

I could see the this monster of a plane as we got nearer, eventually we got to it after finding a way in.
At this point I must clearly state that there was no forced entry or anything we had to alter/move in order to get here. didn't even have to hop over a fence, it was a straight walk in with no 'keep out' signs visable.

Here is a quick snap off my iphone of the planes we were hoping to see on the maps app.

Something didn't seem right, there was planes missing.... it turned out that there was 2 planes and an RAF helicopter left :(
However, the biggest plane remained and the site of it was truely breath taking! throughout the explore, I didn't know what it was. The moon light lit the beauty up nicely, but not enough to whop out the snappers and take shots.
We first had a recce of the plane inside...and Oh My Fluffy Goo! brilliant!! just brilliant!! Turkish said "I've never been in a plane before" I thought, well for the first experience of bieng on a plane.... a disused Avro Shackleton wouldn't be a moment that you'd forget easily
These are some shot I got off the interweb of the Shackleton not looking so 'flyable'



One to try sometime...



It was all going well, What our next move was, was uncertain.....
Then in the distance we could see a vehicle with the most powerfull spotlight I'd ever seen scanning the airfield, and it got closer... and closer.... and then it was within a hundred meters of us whilst we were in the Shackleton... so we crouched down in silence for a leg numbing total of about 10 mins...... Phew!!!

After a bit of further unsuccessful wandering. we descided to make our way back to the car....
But I wasn't leaving without a piccie!!
So we krept up to the plane thats at the front of the security gates on its own (name of it is unknown).
Here's a map and a dropped pin of the shot location


and here is the ONLY piccie I took.......
then off to the car and off home it was. very exhusting and very depressing to know I was getting up for work 5a.m....... home and in bed for 1:30. Hard times, Hard times!!

The final Result


Thanks you for looking :)
Nice DD it might be worth actually just approaching the guards and asking if its ok to take some piccies. You never know :D
Actually Dan, I really like the shot you managed to get. Maybe even more than if you'd got some closer up. It has that 'just before the dawn raid' look about it. Silhouetted on the horizon as it is with just a bit of detailed revealed by the moon lends great atmosphere. Great stuff Dan.
Nice DD it might be worth actually just approaching the guards and asking if its ok to take some piccies. You never know :D

You know what Batchie, that's not a bad shout..... We had that in mind as we were leaving, but we were too naffed to go ahead with that idea at the time, but really I should, as to said, you never know!! :)
Thanks pete.
I didn't think too much about positioning and framing as there was more concern if bieng seen. I just wanted something to show!
I see what your saying about this take, but I think with a little more thought I could of got something more impressive..... But then when you over think a shot sometimes it doesn't turn out the way you'd like it :/
I think I'm going to need a revisit, but this time in the hope of permission to ease a little tension.... But then, I strive tension, that's what makes it fun and tests any individulal in these circumstances! Lol
Gripping saga :)