Hands up then, who's got a X Series Fuji?

Which Fuji x series do you have?

  • Total voters
I don't like this poll very much, my bank (and wife) tells me I'm not allowed to vote.:(
X100 always in my pocket or pouch—superb camera. X-Pro1 on order as light-weight, urban, walkin'-'round, shootin'-stuff camera. A friend bought the X-S1 as a travel camera and is loving it. He was a long time user of the Coolpix 8800, so refers to the X-S1 as his 9900.

Fuji is definitely on a roll currently.
Notice for Jim, we have an extra vote we shouldn't have for an x100, being as you have one and haven't voted it can be your vote, just drop a message in the thread if you se this

Doh! I saw this message after I clicked vote... Please readjust the count accordingly...