I want to thank everyone for the very warm welcome and also thanks for the kind words about my work and my website.
I am in the process of tweaking my site a bit. I will shortly be adding a stand-alone slideshow page which will be much more diverse and of higher quality than my present slideshow pages for each gallery that currently exists on my website. I am using a new service to create the new slideshows and hope to have the new slideshow gallery up and running in the next week or two.
What impressed me about this site, after spending a couple of hours bouncing around here, is the quality of the work presented by some very talented photographers. I also really, really like the idea of the photographers using their real names, something I have done for years on various forums. It is a sound idea.
This place looks like fun and I know I will learn a lot from some of the very talented members here.
Thanks, once again. Rick.