Hello from the Pacific Northwest!

Good evening all.

I must apologize for my absence. Currently I am engaged in Finals for this term (College). Ok, lets see. LF means Large Format. PT/PD references Platinum/ Palladium Printing - Contact printing process still practiced by many a Large Format Photographer. Hoping to delve into it after Graduation when I have the serious time needed for it.

I chose LF primarily due to the solitude that it offers is similar to that of the writing of a manuscript of poetry.( at least in my humble opinion)

If you must paint with light then capture it with the instrument made by the Muses; and if Taliesin was around I'm sure he'd use it in conjunction with his poetry. :)
And as for taking anyone serious I refer to my Grandfather Julian ApAdams wisdom: "Only the earth, stone, iron, coal, wind, and waters need you take serious for they are what made us the people we are."

As for myself - I take my coffee seriously. As per a request the V/r, in a signature line stands for Very Respectfully. A traditional Naval sign off when closing out of a letter of correspondence.

I shall also post photographs from the current body of work I am in pursuit of as soon as finals close out.
And as for taking anyone serious I refer to my Grandfather Julian ApAdams wisdom: "Only the earth, stone, iron, coal, wind, and waters need you take serious for they are what made us the people we are."

As for myself - I take my coffee seriously. As per a request the V/r, in a signature line stands for Very Respectfully. A traditional Naval sign off when closing out of a letter of correspondence.

I shall also post photographs from the current body of work I am in pursuit of as soon as finals close out.
Your Grandfather has such a brilliant Christian name :rolleyes: