Hi from Minsk, Belarus

Aleks Isachenko

Well-Known Member
Hi everybody!
I'm from Belarus - country in Eastern Europe. Today I suddenly reached this forum and decided to join. I think it can be useful to share and compare the experience with non speaking Russian photographers.
What concerns me, so I was working in wide-format printing company for long period but being busy and online for my personnel 24 hours a day 7 days a week lead me to some problems with my heart. The Doctor advise me to change my way of living to a more calm, so I decided to quit. Now I'm all in only photographing. Prefer beauty and fashion, but also like reportage.
My equipment is simple: Sony A700 and some Sony and Minolta lenses. In fact I think, that shots not camera, but a person.
My blog is here

And sorry for my English, my native language is Russian.
Welcome to the forum Aleks, you have found a great place to relax and spend time.

We love photos and photography, and there are wonderful people here for you to get to know.

Looking forward to seeing some of your photos and hearing more about where you live.

And your English is way better than my Russian! :)
Welcome Aleks, hope that being part of the forum helps with your well being, looking forward to seeing what you do.
Welcome Aleks! I'm sorry work put so much pressure on you, but hopefully you now have plenty of time to enjoy life. I too have the Sony A700, but only the one lens - the 16-105mm zoom. It would be interesting to hear what you think about your kit. I am at work right now, but I will take a look at your blog later tonight :)
Hi Aleks,

Welcome to the forum .............. Don't worry about your English matey, It's far better than my Russian, and your grask of English is far better than some from the UK on here :rolleyes: (I'll get my coat).

It would be interesting to hear what you think about your kit.
I tried many lenses, but stopped. In fact it is enough for my purposes old Minolta 70-210/4 and Sony 35/1.8 Most of my pictures were taken with this lenses. Also I use Minolta 28-75/2.8 as a reportage lens and I can borrow, when it is necessary, Zeiss 85/1.4 and Sony 70-200/2.8G from my friend.
My friends and their friends often asked me to shot interior, so I decided to try Tamron 11-18/4.5-5.6 As I shot interiors using tripod I think the "f" value is not so critical.
As I have crop-camera, I find Sony 35/1.8 very useful lens even for taking portraits. Generally I convert my RAWs in LightRoom and to improve distorsion, choose the profile for Zeiss 35/2 lens, which was made for fuulframe camera Sony A900 :)
Hi Aleks
Welcome to the forum!
Sorry to hear about your health problems ... I think you have found the most relaxed photography forum here, so hopefully we can help a little ;)
looking forward to seeing some shots

Scotland - the country of William Wallace, whiskey and bagpipes ;)
My dream is to visit Scotland, Great Britain and Ireland. May be some day I'll get such an opportunity.

I know i'm biased but there is nowhere better for taking photographs, lots of fresh air and healthy pursuits
Well, in fact I'm really surprised, that so many people greeted me here. I find people here more friendly and self-controlled than at russian-speaking forums.

We pride our selves on our the friendly atmosphere we have created here ...
Ive never been on a Russian forum, but I would think you will find most english forums are fairly hostile too... its just the nature of forums... and what in the end inspired me to set up this place - A haven for people who would just rather be nice to each other!
Well, in fact I'm really surprised, that so many people greeted me here. I find people here more friendly and self-controlled than at russian-speaking forums.
Hi Aleks.

This really is a friendly place to be so please do continue to post. Also, seeing photography through the eyes of someone from Belarus I look forward to.

Welcome Aleks, I hope that you have loads of fun here and don't worry about your standard of English, it's probably better than some native speakers. I hardly know what the younger generation are saying most of the time.