Hotel Dreyfus

Prompted by Brian's shot from Sacre Coeur (, this was taken a few years back from the same spot (or, more probably, the lower terrace). I only have a small JPEG of the original print (16 x 12") to hand (and I don't know which box the original is in, or even which country, at the moment!), but I will re-scan it at some point.


It was taken with a Leica MP + Voightländer VM Nocton 35mm f1:1.2 and I'm pretty sure it was loaded with Ilford Delta 400 (rated at ISO400 and developed in ID11 at 24ºC). It is printed onto Ilford MGIV glossy RC paper using a Devere 504 / Ilford 500 head and a Rodenstock 50mm Apo Rodagon enlarging lens. The Paper was developed in an Ilford 2150 processor.
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Nice, Pete. I went back to mine to find that part of the view. Found it. Nice to compare the images. Your's is wintertime. (Or autumn, perhaps.)
Pete - you can't remember where the neg is, but you remember the processing down to the Pjs you had on that day... Interesting....
I could find the negative fairly easily as they are in files but the print is now in a box. Sadly the explanation has nothing to do with super-human memory and more to do with boring predictability! If it wasn't pushed it will be on Delta and on a hazy day it would have almost certainly been 400. I always process in ID11 and I know it wasn't printed on FB paper. I'll need to check the day-book to come back to you regarding the colour of the PJs though. But I'm pretty sure I had croissants with breakfast! ;)
Damn, I had you pegged as having a photographic memory Pete! :D
I must dig put my Paris shots ... I've been meaning to for ages!
I have very similar photos to this ... It facinated me that Paris seemed to go on to the horizon in all directions!