I got snapped!

Chris Dodkin

West Coast Correspondent
One of the Fuji guys at CES caught me at the stand - trying to look like I knew what I was talking about, no doubt! :D


Copyright FujiFilm US
Caption 1: Yes, I'll take them


Caption 2: So....the film goes where?
I'm more intrigued as to the item you are about to pocket :D

hahaha yer looks like hes knicking one there ...........BRILLIANT ( ooops sorry for shouting )
You look like your in a daze Chris!
All it needs is someone to photoshop a string of drool hanging from your mouth and it'd make it a PUCKA shot!! :)
he's not in a daze, simply in awe of the fuji-made brilliance.

the sad part is, someone at fuji not only remembered him, but remembered his name and email address... exactly what did you say or ask them chris? ;) or were you really pocketing something, at which point they got your name, photo and contact from the police?
I clearly made an impression Beth!

I believe that they saw my CES Fuji review which was reposted on Scoop - then tracked me down by name to my website - then sent me an Email from there.

Not many Dodkin's in the world!