Ilford Pan And Caffenol

Paul Lange

Last Sunday I was lucky enough to be left to my own devices for a few hours so I went to Ely Cathedral with some Pan 100 and 400. It was dark in side and unfortunately it was not the sunny day I was hoping for. No beams of light illuminating the dark recesses of the cathedral. I pushed both films 2 stops and developed then in Caffenol CL with the standard 70 minutes stand process. Thats pushed 2 stops but developed at the standard time! Amazingly even though pushed 2 stops and still underexposed due to the dark conditions I still got usable negatives.

@Brian Moore - Hope these are useful for your blog.

Untitled (8).jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

Untitled (7).jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

Untitled (6).jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

Untitled (3).jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr

Untitled (2).jpg by Paul R Lange, on Flickr
Thanks, I had read about the Caffenol CL being self regulating in that you didn't need to adjust times for pushed films, or different films for that matter. You just develop at 70 minutes and adjust to personal taste. I was really surprised how well these came out. My only issue is that the Pan 100 and 400 films seem to have less rigid quality control than other films but then they are cheaper.

The tones are from the scanner software. Because these particular films are not listed in the software the auto colour correction does not seem to work properly but the result is a nice tone.
Looks like I picked the wrong weekend to give up coffee! Seriously, I gave up on Thursday, suffered a monstrous headache since, just clearing this afternoon. Going cold turkey is not easy, and I'm not sure using caffenol would help right now. Maybe later.