Brian Moore
I'm posting this for anyone who is interested in processing at home with coffee, in particular @Tom Dunne and @Dave Green who have expressed an interest in the past couple of days.
The images below were both shot with my Mamiya C33 TLR.
Recipe I used for Caffenol C-M
Water: I think it was one liter that I used to mix the ingredients in (I failed to record that detail in my notes.)
Washing Soda: 10.8 teaspoons (I actually used "PH Up" from the swimming pool supply shop.)
Vitamin C: 3.2 teaspoons
Instant Coffee: 8 teaspoons
Stop bath: water rinse
I pre-soaked the film for about 5 minutes.
Processing Time: 15 minutes
I agitated for 30 seconds to start, then 10 seconds each minute thereafter
Water Temperature: About 70 degrees f. (My notes tell me the TMAX was at 71 and the FP4 at 69.)
Note: My teaspoons are not actually so precise as to be graduated in tenths; I converted the recipe from metric to Amurican! and just estimated a little more or a little less as necessary.
Kodak TMAX in Caffenol C-M: Seal Beach Pier

Ilford FP4 in Caffenol C-M: Huntington Central Park at Night

The images below were both shot with my Mamiya C33 TLR.
Recipe I used for Caffenol C-M
Water: I think it was one liter that I used to mix the ingredients in (I failed to record that detail in my notes.)
Washing Soda: 10.8 teaspoons (I actually used "PH Up" from the swimming pool supply shop.)
Vitamin C: 3.2 teaspoons
Instant Coffee: 8 teaspoons
Stop bath: water rinse
I pre-soaked the film for about 5 minutes.
Processing Time: 15 minutes
I agitated for 30 seconds to start, then 10 seconds each minute thereafter
Water Temperature: About 70 degrees f. (My notes tell me the TMAX was at 71 and the FP4 at 69.)
Note: My teaspoons are not actually so precise as to be graduated in tenths; I converted the recipe from metric to Amurican! and just estimated a little more or a little less as necessary.
Kodak TMAX in Caffenol C-M: Seal Beach Pier

Ilford FP4 in Caffenol C-M: Huntington Central Park at Night