Still thinking about it Ivar and hopefully if I think about it long enough it will be sold

If it's still around in a couple of weeks maybe it will have a discount. Truth being I do want the Dp0Quattro although had wanted the original x100 when it came out and think the wish to get the mentioned camera is for that reason rather than anything else. Then of course the new Pen F is out

for which I have a good selection of lenses already. I like the Pen F shape, a small box like the Sigma's which I love, so easy to hold and I reckon the Pen F with 17mm f1.8 would slip into a decent size pocket. Now who am I trying to convince.

Then again I've seen a lovely Intaglio press I'd get a lot of enjoyment from. Just as well I dont have any money or the house would be full of new shiny toys