Paul Lange
That's it Brian but I fear it will only lead to political discussion over who is the banana skin and who is the banana. All at the tax payers expense no doubt!
And not to mention, Paul, that everyone and his brother wants to be Top Banana!That's it Brian but I fear it will only lead to political discussion over who is the banana skin and who is the banana. All at the tax payers expense no doubt!
I never thought about stocking up on shortbread, but I do have a few bottles of the golden nectar stashed away!I am pro-European and would not wish the UK to 'leave' the EU. I would also prefer that the Union stayed intact, maybe with further devolved powers. As for the historical associations, I suspect these were driven more by religious affiliations that any sense of Europeanism.
Given what I've read, I'm really not sure how anyone could make a fully rational decision next Thursday. I've started to stockpile shortbread just in case though!
I used dollars, Pete. U.S.A. ones. Which is what I think an independent Scotland should adopt as their currency.You do realise that if you paid for it in Sterling that you'll have to give it back!
Right,...and since we already named a town after our new currency we might as well adopt it now.Well, they have sheriffs so...
Let's hope they peel the banana and eat the fruit.Let us hope they don't go bananas in Scotland. You know what you have, but not what you get, if nothing at all.
All the best Rob what ever is chosen I hope it works out well.It's all over. The polling stations are closed, and the counting begins...