Independence for Scotland?

Well, we've made our choice, to stay in the Union. Did Fear lose to Hope? Maybe. But now we Scots have to wait to see what becomes of our choice. I doubt it will be what was promised.

Edit: I was sleepy. I meant did Hope lose to Fear!
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So, we're stuck with you then! :(

With the closeness of the vote I guess this is probably the best outcome as long as Westminster follows through with the promise of more devolved power. Imagine the vote going the other way with 45% of the population finding themselves in a new country when they wanted to be in the UK! Disappointment is probably better than resentment. Let's just hope now that our politicians can not lie for a change.
So, we're stuck with you then! :(

With the closeness of the vote I guess this is probably the best outcome as long as Westminster follows through with the promise of more devolved power. Imagine the vote going the other way with 45% of the population finding themselves in a new country when they wanted to be in the UK! Disappointment is probably better than resentment. Let's juts hope now that our politicians can not lie for a change.
Love the last sentence here Pete. Please I say, let me know when ever a politician, a party ever , got elected and brought fourth the utopia that they all promised. I'll stop there as these salesmen/ professional politicians make me feel so uncomfortable even thinking about them that I try my hardest not too.
I have not one iota of faith that Westminster politicians will think of what is best for Scotland. The whole of the UK has woken up, and the break-up of London-based power has begun, and it wouldn't have happened had not Scotland tried to break away. The problem for we Scots now is that we will just be treated as another pesky region of Englandshire wanting more power.

As my musician friend, Matt Seattle put it: "For now, the bean-counters have beat the poets, even though the poets were better at counting AND poetry."
I'm very proud of my country, we were asked an incredibly difficult question and we never shirked the responsibility. Scottish people turned out in vast numbers to give their opinion..... the gave it and it has to be accepted, it hasn't been yet but it will have to be.

A lot of friendships will never be the same after this and it has forced me to cancel my Dublin trip due to some things being said, but that was the process and Scotland should be proud.... today as was yesterday Scotland is still MY COUNTRY and always will be
It's not entirely sure if you actually have a country any more, Davie, and not a minor member of a federation - we shall see in five years' time. I think Scotland lost its way today, and might as well give up laying claim to being a country. I feel no connection to what Cameron now refers to as "This Country of Nations". I despise Westminster politics, and want nothing to do with it. I feel I no longer have a country I care for. On the other hand, that could be liberating...
It's not entirely sure if you actually have a country any more, Davie, and not a minor member of a federation - we shall see in five years' time. I think Scotland lost its way today, and might as well give up laying claim to being a country. I feel no connection to what Cameron now refers to as "This Country of Nations". I despise Westminster politics, and want nothing to do with it. I feel I no longer have a country I care for. On the other hand, that could be liberating...

i'm a very simple person Rob (spare the comments lol) in that I don't care about political systems because whatever one we have it will be run by politicians. As for not having a country, well I feel i'll always have a country, in fact i'm going to it tomorrow.... not cities were people are political animals but the mountains and lochs ..... the REAL Scotland
I have to agree with you Davie in that I feel that it doesn't really matter what government runs the UK (or (ex)parts of it). Our knowledge of whats going on is through the distorted media stories which don't really give us an accurate picture of what is actually happening. It really wouldn't surprise me that if a lot of people actually complete and accurate picture they would realise that they are voting for the wrong party, if there was actually a political party worth voting for.

Hopefully I don't sound like an Anarchist, it's just that I see so many people base their opinion just on what they see in the news.
It's not entirely sure if you actually have a country any more, Davie, and not a minor member of a federation - we shall see in five years' time. I think Scotland lost its way today, and might as well give up laying claim to being a country. I feel no connection to what Cameron now refers to as "This Country of Nations". I despise Westminster politics, and want nothing to do with it. I feel I no longer have a country I care for. On the other hand, that could be liberating...
The age old problem , does Edinburgh then become the new Westminster , despised by the highlands and Islands, most probably. I certainly see the huge attraction of Scottish independence or any form of local decision making.
Whether you are a member of United Kingdom or not is not the question. To have a right to decide in any domestic issue solely on your own is the issue. A bigger brother down south should not be the one to decide whatever concerns you as Scots. As a country, you shall always be genuine and no one can take that away from you. To stand together as brothers in arms whenever being threathened is another and as such should be treasured. As politicians go, they never intend to lie, they only speak against better judgement in lack of knowledge, but after all, we ellect them.;)
To have a right to decide in any domestic issue solely on your own is the issue.
That's it in a nutshell for me. The right to self-determination. And regardless of whether we choose to take part in the political process or not, the politics is still going to be there and the laws made by politicians are still going to impact our lives. I prefer to have my voice heard, small though it may be.
Very sad over this result. I feel the senior, safe voters have done the future of Scotland, the young people, a great dis-service.
The article you linked to by Kim Ayers articulated how I feel far better than I could myself.
It was all very depressing. Since losing the vote, the membership of the SNP has more than doubled. They are now bigger than the Lib Dems. The fight is not over.