iPhoneography snaps thread

The weather over Blighty this morning


iPad Mini
My iPhone 4S arrived today, so in a brief period between students I ran up to the Dean Cemetery to get the first shots of photography pioneer, David Octavius Hill. What would he have thought?

Octavius Hill by RobMacKillop, on Flickr​

Now, I have an iMac, iPad2 and iPhone - I guess I like Macs! But, I haven't got them all talking to each other yet. How do I take a photo on the phone and have it appear on the iMac via wifi when I get home? Both the phone and the iMac are wifi enabled, but I don't know how to share the photos, other than saving through iCloud, I suppose...

- - - Updated - - -

PS The image is completely unedited.
mine all just automatically appear on all my devices, which is actually a pain in the arse because i don't want them on any other devices.
Oops...yes. Just open the App Store app on the phone. Click on Updates, then Purchased. You will see a list of all your apps, and you have the option there of downloading them to your phone at no extra cost. Some of the apps might be dedicated iPad apps, and in that case when you try to download it you are automatically sent to download the phone version.

My favourite photo apps are Snapseed, Alt Photo, and FotometerPro. I think Pinhole Assist will be useful when I get the Zero pinhole camera at the end of this month...
Thank goodness for technology eh! - lovely iPhone shot - looks very film-like