Israel, Haifa + Akko

Jim Kuo

The man in the hat
A few more pictures from my recent Israeli trip. These pictures were taken during the day, so luckily I didn't have to bring the "tripod" I put together with me ;)

#1, Haifa day time view. The first two were taken when my X100 was exhibiting the dreaded stickly aperture blade problem, so I was pretty much locked at F2 and had to play around with the shutter speed manually.

#2, world famous Bahai Garden

#3, inside of a burger bar that's a very common sight on the streets of Haifa

#4, where we had dinner two consective nights because we didn't know better (however the burgers were actually quite nice).

#5, on a guided tour in the Akko archaeological site near Haifa



#8, bye bye Akko

Thanks for viewing :).
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Yet again Jim, a fantastic set!
It's got to be my n# 6 that does it for me! Very nice :)
Thanks Dan and Pete for your kind words :).

I quite like #6 as well, especially the trianglar pattern created by body posture of the person and the bars on the wall.

I personally find it a little challenging to get distortion under control with X100's wide angle lens. I had gone though the vertical/horizontal/rotate control in LR for #3 (stools), and it was the best I could do. I think I will give it another go to see if I can do better.
Great set, Jim. What about #7? It's Latin I guess, but I'm assuming not Roman. I'd guess that its 12th or 13th Century Crusader mumbo jumbo. Any idea what it says or is about?
Thanks Brian, I think the guide (Israeli) said that it was Latin, he couldn't tell us much details except that Israel was mentioned somewhere in the text :)