It's Over

Vic Shaw

Senior Member
Taken on my little jolly Saturday, wanted a lone figure but I saw this would happen so I captured this instead ( I'm tending to do this shot alot, not sure if thats a good thing)

oops yes you are shhhhh

If it offends please delete thread
Mmmmmm BP................still got about 1:30 before I sent off, sounds like a plan!

it's funny how taggers all know everyones tags.

Not sure if I got this right, the thumb nail is a tad small in the plug-in. but it does give it a little more ping. I'm not that keen on the barrier at the base either, I think I might crop that out too.

I did set the BP as another layer and set it to around 50% or so, I did add another vignette layer too as the one in the plug in looked a little grey here, maybe I over did it, next time I wont use the plug in vignette just make my own. Yes I think the crop works a little better, the barrier is a little of putting
Thanks!...wish I'd have got my head down now though