Jumpin Cat Flash

Thomas brookes

RPF Chief iPhone app Reviewer
hey all, the sun is out over here so after work this morning I took the opportunity to get the camera out.....Alex had asked for some nice shots of our new "kitten" pookie.

I quickly found out cats are pretty tricky to shoot especially when yours is half wild cat half *******. ;) rather than trying to get her sitting looking pretty and cute i decided to grab the bull by the horns, or cat by the tail in this case.

the sizes are a bit odd and im not 100% on the pp and the framing what are your thoughts??



OOF I know but i love it

in for the kill

cat got the cream

this was the best attempt taken a while back but pookie was OOF
Fantastic idea - loving the first two especially - ninja kitty! :D
Looks like you got a tiger by the tail there Tom. I love these shots. #1 and #3 especially, as she is fairly cat-apulting (;)) into the air. Great idea.
I like these Tom
I like the slightly odd perspective and the light combined with the pp makes for a very interesting look i reckon
the first three are the best i think, id struggle to pick a fave out of those ones ...
does Alex like them?
Tom!! these are the Boobies!!!
I love em all although I HATE cats!!! lol :):)