Just won this on eBay!

That second one looks super-fly Hamish - hope the 'jammed shutter' is what you're thinking ;)

SWMBO has taken to calling my vintage purchases 'hoarding' - oh well! :) :)
It's the vitomatic ii I'm most looking forward to ...
Unfortunately there is a lot that could be wrong - missalined rf,dead selenium cell,jammed shutter ...
But if it works it's a steal!
It's a bit of a big gamble
There is a perfect working order vitomatic ii with a £70 bin that would have done nicely ... But it's less exciting buying just the one...
If all three of these work I'll have done really well
Of course if all three don't work I'm on to a bit of a looser really ... Still, they look nice!
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I figure anything 'electronic' in vintage kit is potentially dodgy - mechanical stuff is usually more reliable
So far I have the vitomatic 1b the the vito b 2.8
The vito b works
The 1b is a write off ... Shutter won't ****, lightmeter doesn't work...

Yeah, I say your right Chris ... But the mechanical bits are by no means safe from failure :/