Komical Kevs project 366

nice to see your couldn't resist any longer over the X10 Kev, pretty confident you will love it........ nice sales type shot also.

As for that chair, wow you do live VERY rural dont ya :p
#19 19th January 2012

Been a busy sort of day to day began with a walk over the estate, that's Country Estate and Not Council, needed to check the out side Tap.......there are so many in he back garden.:D

190112 by Kev Pugh, on Flickr
Thanks Pete, there's probably about thirty of these outlets along the track up the field, I used to walk it often but know not so much, today was the first in nearly a year, hence me using it for 366
# 20 20th January 2012

Full Bean. what the hell does that mean? Ahh who gives a ............and anyway it was Tea........they can't even get that right, but it was a good location to meet considering I was working that side of the bridge tonight.

200112 by Kev Pugh, on Flickr

No PP shot in Jpeg at B&W setting, not something I normally do but hey...............
I like this shot Kev, nice DOF, X10? I agree Maccy D's teas & coffee is utter pants........!!

I was gonna say "is this a discreet way of togging a cute girl" in the background, but when i re read your txt maybe this was who you was meeting and may even be your daughter so i wont say that........... :o
Yep Daz X10 in play mode an it is indeed Emma, she just gonna kill me :D:D

Loving the freedom the X10 is giving me, would never have even bothered with sort of shot before if I'm honest......
That is really good KK.
It reminds me of a drunken night out where you just can't quite keep your head up straight and and need to just rest it for a bit..... before the lights go out..... or is that just my night out?!?! :D:D:D
Cheers DD like I said I feel a =certain Freedom I never had before..............oh and No kerbs in view on this DD :D:D
I think full bean may possibly mean they use the full bean.. tut who would bloody know :D
I very much like this shot also KK!
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#21 21st January 2012

Well today has been a really grey flat day so I felt like putting some colour back into it.........just haven't got round to transferring it onto the paper yet :D

210112 Pastels by Kev Pugh, on Flickr
Yarp that's me, drinking the worst coffee ever made.
Dad, have you noticed the steam coming from your coffee? Oh I mean, your tea..
was blowing a force 10 today but was oot in it. Ye southern ponce :D :D

Looks no too bad I spose just get painting with it now and let us see the results :)
was blowing a force 10 today but was oot in it. Ye southern ponce :D :D

Looks no too bad I spose just get painting with it now and let us see the results :)

Southern ponce, I'll have you know I'm a Severn Ponce I come from the Severn Valley, I ain't no saverner and we still do own that lump of stone you know :D:D:D