Komical Kevs project 366

My wife, and I, have banned myself from J.D.
Now, I don't want to come across as an alcoholic, but, I used to drink a bottle of J.D.... BEFORE I went out.
that IS very bad of me and even just looking at a bottle gives me the heeby jeebies!!! :D:D
This is a fantastic shot KK, love the lighting! spot on! and all this straight out of the snapper! I'm impressed! :) :)
Thanks All,

Hey Dan that's pretty easy to do especially with a good drink, the single barrel is around forty quid a bottle so deserves respect but it is so smooth it just begs to be drank :D
Thank you Brodie, I think the whole lot from everyone so far have been excellent and inspiring and a challenge to find something, that is interesting, different and fun to do too. :)
#11 11th January 2012

My eleventh is a rather simple shot but the meaning behind is much deeper. Time stands still for no one yet we as photogs do our best to capture that moment so for todays 366 I give you....

A moment in time :D:D


I thank you :D
very mimimalist which is good at times. Yet im think square crop mighta been better ;) :D:D

Allan I would have a square crop and totally agree but I'm sticking with SOOC for all my 366 unless I absolutely have to edit and on this I did take out a mark that didn't look like I had cleaned the house for a while :D:D:D
Just in case you haven't got it yet
The 'Oiling the Old Cogs' is a simile for me trying to get the old grey cells working to shoot something for the 366 :D
Not racing Pete they formed a convoy further up the path when they met some more traffic a poor lad on his skate board had to wait for a long enough gap to overtake :D:D

Cheers :)
LMAO i nearly spilt my cuppa over laptop when i saw this image, love the title also.........!
# 14 14th January 2012

Was in a panic thinking I've been on the golf course all day, seen soome really good stuff I'd like to photo but no camera even the 80 is too big for my club bag, another justification for the x10 me thinks :D anyway whilst on my way home I'm thinking when BINGO, this ruddy great big thing appears in the sky above me, no not the sun, thats been out all day:D so having the 80 sat next to me in hte car where it has been sat /i pull over in a suitably safe place, on a bend, in the middle of a country lane and jump out and........well have you ever come to ground with a bump? These guys did........:D

140112 by Kev Pugh, on Flickr

Really difficult to get as had no choice but to shoot directly into the sun, but this is my #14 and I'm rather pleased that I was there at the right time :D
Pete Although we have these things over very often UI been trying for ages to get one coming down, am either in the car driving when it happens or there's a ruddy hedge or trees in the way.......:D this one I saw long before and had ample time to pull off the road, well sort of :D

Thanks Laurie, I think I'm going to stalk the old biddies of Persher, reckon they be ripe for shooting :D
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