Dan Cattermole
Dan Down - The Steampunk Womble
My wife, and I, have banned myself from J.D.
Now, I don't want to come across as an alcoholic, but, I used to drink a bottle of J.D.... BEFORE I went out.
that IS very bad of me and even just looking at a bottle gives me the heeby jeebies!!!

This is a fantastic shot KK, love the lighting! spot on! and all this straight out of the snapper! I'm impressed!

Now, I don't want to come across as an alcoholic, but, I used to drink a bottle of J.D.... BEFORE I went out.
that IS very bad of me and even just looking at a bottle gives me the heeby jeebies!!!

This is a fantastic shot KK, love the lighting! spot on! and all this straight out of the snapper! I'm impressed!