LHIW - Back in ye olde day

Emma Pugh

Well-Known Member
I haven't posted anything recently, so here, have my LHIW!
I haven't edited any of these, cropped a few but looking back at some of the ones I have cropped, I feel that I should crop them a bit more.

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

M5 LHIW by Emma Pugh, on Flickr

Thanks for looking and any tips are welcome!
I still hate you for the 5th one :D:D:D not really.:D

Was a good day this, we will be doing it again this year, Yarp?
Wasn't too sure on it at first but it's growing on me :D
Oh yes, you don't even have to ask! I'm taking my film for definate. Oh and talking of film, can you remind me to bring it this weekend?
wow very interesting set of photos, i would love to visit one of these events, you have done a great job of capturing the day so well here.

Cheers :) I recommend it, it's great fun. This was my first one I've been to and I'll definately be going again. I wasn't really there to take photos, next time I'll hopefully get some better shots