Lincoln,...the Film

Brian Moore

I watched Lincoln last night. Has anyone in RPFville seen it? I enjoyed the film very much and was impressed on several levels, but the reason I'm mentioning it here is because of the photography. It is clear that director Stephen Spielberg wanted authenticity in the lighting. Most of the film takes place in indoors and the lighting is carefully crafted in many instances to seem lit by window light and what appear to be gas lamps. Some of the scenes lit by window light are quite beautiful.

As to the gas lamps, I had no idea gas lighting was used as early as the 1860's. A little research this morning, however, reveals that gas lighting was developed in the late 18th Century, and it appears to have been adopted in the White House in the 1850s. Who knew...? o_O
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Well, I knew ;)

I've seen the film, Brian, and agree with you about how beautiful it looks. The camera work is also superb, likewise the acting. I've no idea about the accuracy of the details, but it is a memorable film in my respects.
I haven't seen that movie but I've seen the other version "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter"o_O, maybe not the most accurate bio pic I've seen ;).