Davie Hudson
Well-Known Member
access to this one was a nightmare as the whole entry point was iced up badly... I will return and get a lot closer when there is less chance of impending death
Hang on.... You have ice spikes?? Now that's what I'm talking about!! Lol
Bloody hell, that looks dicey Davie! :/
Perhaps you should post ahead of time where you're going, so that if you don't come back to the forum, we can call for mountain rescue to go look for you!
That tree branch echos the bridge shape rather nicely - very shot worthy
It looks so beautiful there!!
I wish it snowed here!
Yeh wouldn't want to slip down that one :/
That does indeed look treacherous Davie. Safer to go back when it's thawed I think and, you know, I think the presence of the snow and ice detract from the contrast between the dark rock and vegetation and the water somehow.