Just for Show Little thistle on a green field


this is the first photo that I post on this community. It a thistle on an old airfield. The photo was taken with an vintage lens that I have got some months ago.

The Lens is a Vivitar 35mm f2.8. I think the lens was never used before, because it looks realy new and was shipped to me with the original box and an old warranty card from a franch photostore. The warranty card is not filled out. And the store at that I bought the lens sad that it is nearly new.

The think I like most at this picture is the bokeh of the lens behind the flower. But also the colours of green and purple is a good ensemble.


Here the link to the photo if it is not shown in the post.
Greetings Jan-Niclas, always good to see new members here.

That is a good picture. As you say, purple and green do compliment each other well and the shallow depth of field makes the flower really stand out from the background.

I look forward to seeing more of your photos.
Hi Jan-Niclas - nicely done, and very reminiscent of Scotland! :cool: